Meet the Expert
The Rhenium-SCT® has been available at the Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi in Bologna since 2017. Today, Dr Prof Paolo Castellucci, Chairman of the International Registry and Nuclear Medicine Physician, answers some interesting questions about the International Registry.
The OncoBeta International Registry is the first registry to collect and review real-world patient data. It has been established to promote the international collection, distribution, and use of data to improve the therapeutic outcomes and quality of life of patients with non-melanoma skin cancer.
Why is the international registry so important in terms of NMSC impact and reporting globally?
It is a tool that allows to evaluate not only the incidence of NMSCs but also the types of treatment -including Rhenium-SCT®, Radiotherapy and Surgery- those clinicians prefer for this disease so widespread in the world.
As President of the International Registry, what is your role?
It is to coordinate the many centres that participate in data collection.
You are not only the president of the international registry, but also the first user of Rhenium-SCT® in the field of standard care, what is the main reason behind your strong support for this therapy?
Based on our data and experience, the Rhenium-SCT® therapy is a quick, painless, safe and effective treatment.
Does the committee decide who will participate in the registry office in the future?
Yes, the committee will decide which centres participate in the Registry. The current participating centres are the ones that count with the Rhenium-SCT® therapy, as we are currently introducing data from NMSC patients being treated with Rhenium-SCT®. In the near future we will also introduce further centres that treat NMSC patients with standard radiotherapy and surgery, so that they can enrol these patients too.
Why is the registry a global initiative?
We collect data from different continents, so we can say it is a global initiative.
As a physician, what are the benefits of Rhenium-SCT® for patients? And how does it integrate with other fundamental treatments?
The main advantage of the Rhenium-SCT® therapy is how easy and fast the treatment is (between 1/2 hours), the mild side effects, the High efficacy and the long-term cosmetic results that are excellent in most cases.